Exploring the constellations

This is a submission for the DataViz battle march 2018. Via color-magnitude diagrams and sky maps of each of the 88 constellations 89% of the HYG database of stars are presented. Stars with unknown distance, color index or constellation name are discarded. This leaves 106976 stars. The color-magnitude heatmap shows the percentage of stars in a constellation for a given color and magnitude. Stars with high apparent visual magnitudes less than 6 mag are scatter-plotted. The samples have a full range of color indices that goes up to B-V=5.5. For presentation reasons the diagrams are cut off at B-V=2.5. For the sky maps stars with high apparent visual magnitudes less than 7 mag are scatter-plotted. To visualize the constellation boundaries the Catalogue of Constellation Boundary Data (Davenhall+ 1989) is used.

Andromeda-Circinus Columba-Mensa Microscopium-Vulpecula